The Sixty Second Radio Hour

An offbeat series of vignettes, radiophonic sketches and audio dreams. They’re not sixty seconds long, and there’s more than an hours worth, but who’s counting?

Winner of the Gold World Medal for Best Regularly Scheduled Comedy Program at the 2002 New York Festivals, and Awards of Distinction for Writing and Sound Design at the 2002 Communicator Awards.

Featuring the voices of Tampa Bay’s most talented voice actors, and guest appearances by such as Second City alumn Dick Schaal and David Ossman of the Firesign Theatre.

“Very oblique. Very funny writing. It’s a pleasure to do — thank you. ” — David Ossman, Firesign Theatre

“Darn good, and some…were absolutely brilliant. ” — Tom Lopez, ZBS founder and creator of Ruby and Jack Flanders

“Little gems of insurrection, chaos, joy, humor.” — Joan Schuman, Sound Artist and Independent Radio Producer.

“I laughed coffee through my nose.” — Maggie DiPietra, singer/songwriter.

“They allow you to exercise your moral sense…you’re going to %*&$ people up!” — Rev. Jeff Mosier, banjo player/songwriter formerly of Aquarium Rescue Unit and Blueground Undergrass