Tonight on Soundstage: Bliss by William Jess Russell, directed by Bonnie Agan.
Burt takes care of everyone’s grave in the cemetery except for Olivia, a teenaged girl who died in a car accident, making blood enemies of her brother Larry and her boyfriend Ham, who was driving. These three, along with two homeless men and a mysterious stranger, meet in the cemetery thirty years later. Will old hatreds lead to another tragedy?
The cast was:
Burt: Jim Sorenson
Johnny: John Van Middlesworth
Simon: Rich Rice
Ham: Bob Heitman
Larry: Jim Wicker
Paul Wilborn: Judas Priest
Sound effects by Matt Cowley
Sound mixer: Mark Perfetti
Music by Paul Wilborn
In-studio signing for the hearing impaired: Carol Downing
Stage manager: Maggie Romigh
This piece was recorded live in March, 2014 at the Studio@620, as part of the Radio Theatre Project, a joint presentation of WMNF and the Studio@620.