Soundstage broadcast for August 31, 2014

Tonight on Soundstage: One Three Two by Michael Weems, directed by Maggie Romigh. The cast was Paul Wilborn as Jake, and Eugenie Bondurant as Heather. The Gandy Dancer by Paul Wilborn, with Paul Wilborn as Cavanaugh and Eugenie Bondurant as Margot. Recorded live at the Studio@620 as part of the Radio Theatre Project. Sound effects by… Continue reading Soundstage broadcast for August 31, 2014

Soundstage broadcast for August 17, 2014

Tonight on Soundstage: Lost Satellites by Eugenie Carabatsos, directed by LeRoy Mitchell, Jr. The cast was Pamela White as Ally, Jim Wicker as Ben, and Eugenie Bondurant as the GPS. Sound effects by Matt Cowley Sound mixer Mark Perfetti Music by Paul Wilborn In-studio interpreting for the deaf: Carol Downing Studio@620 House Manager: Nick Hughes Stage… Continue reading Soundstage broadcast for August 17, 2014

Soundstage Broadcast for July 6, 2014

Tonight on Soundstage: Huntsville by Danielle Wolff, directed by Warren Hammack. The show was recorded live at the Studio@620 in April, 2014, for The Radio Theatre Project.   The cast was: ALAN – Jim Sorenson GARY – Jim Wicker CLERK – Bonnie Agan WOMAN – Mimi Rice MAN – Paul Wilborn COP – Leroy Mitchell REPORTER… Continue reading Soundstage Broadcast for July 6, 2014

Soundstage broadcast for June 15, 2014

Tonight on Soundstage: part 2 of Dark Night of the Soul by James Armstrong, directed by Ron Satlof and featuring the voices of Pam Reed and Ron Satlof. The show was recorded live at the Studio@620 in May 2013 as part of the Radio Theatre Project Live.

Soundstage Broadcast for June 8, 2014

Tonight on Soundstage: part 1 of Dark Night of the Soul by James Armstrong, directed by Ron Satlof and featuring the voices of Pam Reed and Ron Satlof. The show was recorded live at the Studio@620 in May 2013 as part of the Radio Theatre Project Live.